Rainbow canyon cave petroglyphs cedar city utah

Took a short trip to Rainbow Canyon Cave Petroglyphs in Cedar City. The hike is about .75 miles one way and for the most part very easy. After parking just follow the road/trail/wash to your left as it winds around back to the right until you come to the end of the big mountain to your left. If you miss the trail just keep going and eventually you will come to a road and you can follow it back around to the mountain and the trails to the panel. There will be a number of trails up the mountain to the panel it is very hard to miss AND there are a lot of footprints from the parking up to the panel. The panel is on the back side of a cave or opening in the rocks. After you go into the cave and out the other side turn around and it is right there at the opening you just came through.

Parking: 37°40’55.62"N 37°40’55.62"N

Left turn and climb up and over: 37°40’50.74"N 113° 2’47.49"W

Panel: 37°40’56.66"N 113° 2’47.30"W

the Ironrider posts are extremely helpful for those of us who like looking for water glyphs. I am wondering if he knows how to access one that is apparently located on the north side of West Fork Hog Canyon near Kanab?