Stuart ranch rock art and hunstman cabin ruins

Took a trip today to the Stuart Ranch rock art site which also has the ruins of the Huntsman cabin. The location is North of Glendale Nevada. To get to the site take highway 168 North out of Glendale. Right before the road crosses the railroad you take a right on Meadow Valley Road and follow this for 8.5 miles (all paved). When it turns to dirt go an additional 2 miles until you come to a metal railroad bridge on your left (you are paralleling the railroad). There is also a big sign that says Union Pacific Railroad property. Look right and take the dirt road to the right. Follow to the river crossing. The water was shallow and the river bed was hard. Follow this road until you come to a fence with a gate and some of the fence poles are down and the fence is down also. Go through here and follow to the cabin. The rock art is past the cabin on the hard rock walls not the sedimentary rock behind the cabin. My way points get you to the area but the art is probably 50 -100 feet on both sides of the way point. You can see paths in the grass to the sites. One panel has pictures of horses with riders.

Panel 1: N36° 50.283’ W114° 39.419’

Panel 2: N36° 50.288’ W114° 39.428’

Panel 3: N36° 50.304’ W114° 39.428’

Panel 4: N36° 50.331’ W114° 39.454’

Panel 5: N36° 50.332’ W114° 39.458’

Panel 6: N36° 50.397’ W114° 39.510’

Good hunting.

I was in this ares in 1989 and 1990, y husband worked for micron mining on the Stewart ranch. I loved visiting there, hiking, going back to the Huntsan Cabin and looking at the Petroglyfs
This won’t let e spell , sorry. Will not let e type type the letter. Anyway I was so happy to see you were able to go back in there, as I heard it was closed, due to the roads being washed. I a 76, but still hope to go back sometime to see it one more time. Billie fennell

Thanks for sharing!