We FINALLY found these panels in the Virgin River Gorge. NO ONE is willing to pass along their location but they are more than willing to show you what THEY have found. I even went to the BLM Office in St. George who said they never heard of the panels. YEAH right! and the check is in the mail. Since we are not the guardians of the past I am sharing their location. The parking lot is just over the first river bridge going from St George to Vegas There is a pull out about 200 yards past the bridge where you can park. You then climb the short hill and crawl under the barb wire fence. From there you are on you own as there a number of ways to the panel and you don’t want to take the drunken sailor way we did. Hiking is pretty easy but there are multiple terraces to negotiate getting to the panel. The small panels we mention I have not heard of before. You do not have to go down to the river. Here are the locations. Good Luck!
Parking: 36°58’14.06"N 113°44’6.61"W
Small Panel 1: 36° 58.417’N 113° 43.904’W
Small Panel 2: 36° 58.413’N 113° 43.899’W
News Paper Rock: 36° 58.504’N 113° 43.667’W
Da Vinci Man: 36° 58.456’N 113° 43.691’W